Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Doritos Dating Game

The crazy, sexy, cool cast and crew of our Dating Game themed Doritos spec commercial. Check it out online HERE.

Left to right, back row: KT Kent (sound mixer/design), Georgiana Young (BTS videographer), Alain Azoulay (Host), Victor Holstein (Bachelor #1). Middle row: Patrick Cronen (Bachelor #2), Brooke A. Smith (Shannon), Carol Ras (art director), Ace Young (Bachelor #3), Terry Gingles (writer, director, producer), Chloe Weaver (director of photography), Michael Lloyd (gaffer), Paul Salmons (grip, gaffer). Bottom row: Michael Velasquez (2nd AD, editor), Liz (1st AD, assistant make up). Not pictured: Ashley Blair (make up/hair).


TG said...

Man this is super nice!! Couldn't have done any of this with out you Michael. You are the true definition of a friend!


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